There are other ways to induce a state of enthrallment. Many people know what it is like to be negatively affected by a domineering mother, father, wife, husband or lover. The dominant personality can affect the moods, attitudes and behavior of the one so “oppressed”, and that influence may persist when the dominating influence is not present, or even when he or she is no longer alive. Sigmund Freud made his living treating these people. When any outside agency, spiritual or living, psychologically or emotionally enslaves another person, that person is said to be enthralled by that agency.
There are untold numbers of cases in which an abusive spouse or lover may violently or psychologically abuse his or her submissive mate for years on end while the abused mate suffers in silence, but always comes back for more. These cases crop up in the popular media all the time, in the form of TV crime series and books. Every time the average citizen sees one of these exposés, they automatically think to themselves “why would anyone remain in this type of relationship?” or “Why didn’t she just go to the police and report him”? The answer to these questions is “enthrallment”!
Enthrallment among people is a complex phenomenon which has its roots in love, dependency and desire. A woman meets a man who she is attracted to. He beds her and subjects her to rough sex which she finds intensely gratifying. This binds her to him. She becomes literally addicted, first to abusive sex, then to generalized physical and psychological abuse. This addiction transforms itself in her mind into love and forces her to endure his brutality. She marries him, becomes financially dependent on him and may be further bound to him through her children. In effect, she gives up her free will and allows him to make all her decisions, at first out of love, and finally, out of fear.
Now, let’s look at the abuser himself. Most of the time, he seems like a nice enough guy. He just goes through sudden mood swings in which he seems to transform into a monster. After each episode of monstrous behavior, he switches back into Mr. nice guy, promising never to be a beast again. This “split personality” is common among abusers and is not unlike the type of behavior exhibited by people who have a spiritual infection in which an alien personality alternates with the personality of the living host.
Remember that only low order (evil) spirits have an abiding incentive to hang around the earth sphere. They “swarm” around living people looking for the energies they need to gain entry into the world of matter in order to escape the negativity of their spiritual plane and to indulge in their old earth habits. These souls were bad people when they were alive, all of them abusers themselves. Some were even murderers.
The living hosts these spirits are likely to infect generally have injured auric defenses. In most cases, they were infected (obsessed) during their childhoods because of various forms of abuse which allowed the infection to take root. That’s why they grow up to become abusers themselves. Over the years, the alien spirit is especially prone to manifest during times when the abuser is experiencing circumstances that excite the spirit, especially sexual and potentially violent encounters. Each time it manifests, it gains energy and the auric infection spreads. Eventually, something that started as spiritual obsession may develop into episodes of full blown possession.
Thus in some abusive relationships, there may be three personalities involved. First, there is an infecting spirit. Second is the obsessed husband whose aura is infected by the obsessing spirit. Finally there is the abused wife who is oppressed and in thrall to the husband and his infecting spirit. It’s not limited to men abusing women. The sexes can be reversed with essentially the same consequences.