Spirit possession or obsession does not absolve a person of the criminal acts he or she may commit while under the influence of alien (spirit) intelligences. It is difficult for an earthbound spirit to infect a normal living person unless he or she has damaged their body’s natural spiritual protection by their own attitudes and behavior. Drug and alcohol addicts are especially prone to spiritual infections during alcohol or drug induced blackouts. During a blackout their own souls are temporarily anesthetized and unable to defend them against the attacks of earthbound spirits. Criminals, in general, tend to attract low order spirits who swarm around them waiting for a chance to use them to indulge their old habits, and they do not hesitate to take advantage of their victim’s weakened spiritual state.
On the other hand, people who acquire a spiritual infection as a result of mental illness may be less spiritually culpable than those who have damaged their auras through their own misbehavior. There are, unfortunately, cases of relatively innocent people who suffer spirit possession. They are people who, through a combination of factors, innocently invite possession.
In most cases of crime associated with spiritual obsession or possession, the person will be spiritually as well as legally culpable of the crime because of their own proclivities and behavior, especially alcohol and drug addiction. One of the laws of spiritual infection is the law of attraction (chapter 8) which in plain English means “like attracts like.” Living hosts attract like-minded earthbound spirits. This shouldn’t be much of a surprise. After all, living people tend to seek out other like-minded people as friends. The truth is that, unless the criminal is mentally ill, he or she made space for that spirit, and then invited it in. These people are likely to attract low level spirits who possess personality traits similar to their own.