A family confronted by a malicious haunting can be placed under enormous strain. This strain results in marital discord, emotional stress and even violence. Evil entities discover quickly that marital discord results in the release of a great deal of psychic energy. This allows them to create even more havoc within the household releasing even more stray psychic energy. Thus, malicious spirits have a strong motivation to play all the psychological tricks they can to increase the discord. This includes working on one member of the family, usually the wife to the exclusion of the husband in order to make the wife feel isolated and cause the husband to think his spouse is crazy.
The fact that the spirit gains energy from the emotional stress of the living is the reason that these hauntings can be so terrifying. The human ghost or demon tries to scare the people living in the home because when a person goes into a temporary state of shock as a result of the sudden appearance of a scary face, or a feat of psychokinesis like rocking an empty rocking chair, the psychic energy suddenly released is like a burst of candy to the entity. The more scary tricks on the part of the entity, the more discord in the marriage which releases even more energy for more scary tricks in a vicious cycle that can lead to mental instability and divorce.
The best advice if you and your family are truly suffering from a malicious haunting is to plan a family vacation away from the haunted residence before things get out of hand. If the phenomena follow you, then you are dealing either with a poltergeist (human ghost) or a demon.
If the disturbances are relatively mild and follow you on vacation, then you are dealing with a human poltergeist and you need to identify the family member who it is attached to and treat that person properly. These are best treated as if they are psychiatric problems, either by a psychiatrist, a psychologist or a parapsychologist. If the disturbances appear to center around a child or adolescent agent, the best way to treat it is to ignore it! Most of the time, it will resolve by itself. An immature adolescent agent will eventually mature out of their “poltergeist phase” within a few months. It is really not much different than ignoring bad behavior in any child. The more you ignore it, the quicker the child learns that even psychokinetic behavior doesn’t pay.
If the disturbances are very violent and follow you while you are away from the home, then the family may actually be haunted by a demonic entity and you need a religious authority to make a proper diagnosis and perform an exorcism.
If you are free of the phenomena while you are away from the property, and if the disturbances are not violent and are without religious overtones, then you are likely dealing with an ordinary human ghost attached to the property, and then the family can discuss the situation and really compare notes.
If the source of the tension is put aside, the family can decide how to order their priorities and then decide on a course of action. Can you agree on what is actually happening? Do you move the family out? Do you bring in a psychic? Do you find a clergyman, a psychic or a shaman to do a residential blessing? Does someone in the family need an exorcism? It’s a difficult decision, but it’s much easier to think rationally once the family gets a bit of rest away from the home.