Psychic energy can be stored in material objects. The art of reading the history of objects by handling them is called psychometry. Any object can store psychometric energy, however the ones most likely to attract spirits would be objects that get a lot of attention from one or more psychically active (living) persons. It may once have been a piece of jewelry that someone was especially proud of. It could be an object that the owner would have brooded over and kept close to his or her person, or possibly a toy that receives a lot of affection from a child. Mirrors appear to be especially prone to accumulating the psychic energy of people who have spent a lot of time and emotion in front of them brooding about their appearance.
There are two ways an object can be haunted
The first way does not involve an associated spirit. It was discussed in chapter 15 under the heading “Psychic Imprints”. In this type of haunting, the only psychic energy is that which the original owner of the object put into it him/herself. The object simply retains the owner’s feelings. These emotions are later “played back” and may cause someone in the new household to feel the same way. There are no physical disturbances associated with this sort of haunting, however feelings of depression or unprovoked anger might cause household disruption. Not all of these imprints are bad. Children’s’ toys can be powerful retainers of psychic energy, especially dolls which receive a lot of love from their little girl “mommies”.
Psychic Karen Crumley tells of a vanity that she bought in an antique store. When she looked in the mirror while in the store, she felt imprinted feelings of anger, disappointment and depression, but something told her to buy it anyway. The mirror broke on the way home from the shop, and she had it replaced with a new one. She never felt those feelings around the vanity again.
The second type of haunted object involves an associated spirit which “attaches” itself to the object, either because of its stored psychic energy or because by attaching itself to the object, the spirit may come into contact with a child agent from whom it can steal psychic energy. This is where we get into the “Chucky” territory, not because the spirit enters the object but because physical disturbances can happen in the object’s vicinity including the movement (from place to place) of the object itself.
Interestingly enough, there really are stories of “possessed” dolls, however they are not like Chucky in the movie “Child’s play”, in which the doll runs around killing people. The doll is just an attractant for the spirit or a prop used to get close to a child, although some spiritual entities seem to have a sense of ownership and follow the object around wherever it ends up. They “haunt” the object instead of haunting a dwelling like most ghosts.
The mechanism by which a spirit may “haunt” an inanimate object is by way of a spirit portal (discussed in chapter 5). A spirit portal is a doorway, or a tear in the fabric of space/time through which a spiritual entity may enter into our reality. These are usually produced by a living person who projects a large amount of psychic (emotional) energy into the object. These holes may remain open long after the individual has left the object behind and remain attached to the object wherever it may go, sort of like an infinitely flexible pipe with one end attached to the object and the other end attached to a point in the spiritual realm. This allows spiritual entities to enter and exit our reality around the object when it suits them.
Demons can infest an object as well as a property. A demon infested object can, in fact, be quite dangerous. There are a number of legendary cursed objects, around which violence or other forms of misfortune have repeatedly taken place. The Warrens’ famous doll Annabelle is one such demon infested object. However, even demon infested objects have never been known to get up and murder people.

Unfortunately, getting rid of an object that is “haunted” by a sentient spirit will not always work because an evil spirit may simply be using it to get close to a human psychic agent from whom it can steal energy. These spirits may remain behind even after the object is gone because once the attached spirit has infiltrated the household, it no longer needs the prop or the portal through which it entered. In such cases, the situation could call for an experienced psychic if the attached spirit is of human origin, or a minor exorcism if the spirit attached to the object is demonic. (Remember that “major” exorcisms are reserved for possessed people.)
According to demonologist Ed Warren, destroying such objects is actually dangerous because if a demon is attached to it, it is likely to take vengeance on either the person or family that destroyed the object, or on its original owner.
Dealing with marriage and family disturbances caused by ghosts>>>>