Some of the lower spirits might be able to “bubble up” into the transitional plane by chance, but for the most part, the inhabitants of these dark levels can’t advance to any higher plane because they can’t muster the energy to do so. Spirits confined in these dark quarters lack the energy even to intentionally ascend to the transitional plane. Unfortunately, some of them seem to find their way there anyways. Before they manage this feat, they need to acquire a lot of energy from someplace. It turns out that the energy can come from a living person who intentionally commits evil acts.
When we cover spirit obsession and possession in chapter 12, you will see that people with evil mindsets are surrounded by dark earthbound spirits that feed off of their psychic energy. Like-attracts-like in the spiritual world, and if a living person’s acts and intentions are particularly evil, the spirits attracted to him or her will be evil as well.
Some of these evil minded people unconsciously use their own psychic energy to dredge up particularly evil minded earthbound human spirits, or even demons from the darkest realms to accompany them during their criminal activities. The commission of especially evil acts causes an “explosion” of dark energy which can funnel its way down into the darker spiritual regions where a like-minded evil spirit can use it to ascend to the transitional plane. That evil minded earthbound spirit will generally attach itself to the aura of that person in order to maintain its energy level. When that person dies, the dark spirit that was attached to him or her may remain behind, hanging around on the transitional plane where it will engage in violent hauntings and possessions in order to maintain its energy level and defeat its natural tendency to drift back into its Hell.
There is another way that these dark entities can be dredged up to haunt the living. Perhaps the stupidest earthly pastime is the worship of Satan. The people who engage in satanic rites are usually naïve and childish atheists who are simply looking for a permissive god to believe in. They dance around naked and sing satanic chants for sexual thrills and to mock the society that keeps them safe. They really have no idea that they are, in fact, chaining themselves to one or more horrendously evil entities (very likely inhuman demons) that will follow them around for the rest of their lives, and probably even further!