One of the laws of demonology is the law of invitation. The demon MUST be granted specific permission to haunt a residence, possess a person or attach itself to any object owned by that person. Once inside a residence, the demon may continue to exist even after the original occupant dies, which accounts for the haunting of otherwise innocent people who have the misfortune of moving into a demon haunted house.
The law of invitation is a spiritual law created by God Himself, and is based on the innate spiritual attribute of free will. Remember that it was human free will that made humans superior to the angels, and the misuse of free will was the ultimate reason that Lucifer and his army were deposed from their high spiritual positions. Demons see the law of invitation as a legalistic formality and are always trying to trick vulnerable people into granting them an informal writ of permission, often by pretending to be a lost human spirit.
There are a number of ways that a demon can gain permission to haunt a home, and ultimately to possess the body of a human being. Satanic ritual, black magic incantations and evil acts committed by someone with an extremely evil mindset are the most obvious. Often, people give permission voluntarily without realizing what they have done. A brief dalliance with Satanism during a period of adolescent rebellion may result in a lifelong oppression. Practicing Voodoo, ritualized worshiping of pagan gods, or even praying for harm to come to an enemy can be an open invitation for demonic attack, especially for someone who is an unknowing psychic sensitive.
The Ouija is frequently used by children and young adults as a game, however, using one is like inviting any number of strange homeless people into your home. You never know what their intentions are, and any of them could be serial rapists or murderers. The most common spirits attracted during Ouija board sessions are earthbound human spirits, most of whom have mindsets similar to living homeless people. Most are fairly benign, but they are still “homeless” for a reason, and a minority were evil people when they were alive. A few are demons pretending to be human spirits. It’s easy to be misled by a demon pretending to be the ghost of a lost little girl who just wants a place to stay. (Never give permission for ANY ghost to stay in your home! Demons lie for a living. Ed Warren said that one in four of the demon cases he investigated were first raised by Ouija boards.
Séances can also attract demonic entities. Experienced mediums have spirit gatekeepers (guides) who assist them and prevent interference by dark energies. Having a séance without an experienced medium can be dangerous because of the possibility of communicating with a demonic being who then refuses to leave. These dark spiritual entities generally masquerade as gentle lost souls to gain the permission they need to enter into the world of matter. Once they enter, they can be nearly impossible to dislodge.
Another law of demonology is the law of attraction. Like attracts like in the world of spirit, and when a person derives satisfaction from committing cruel and malicious acts, his aura takes on dark hues and he (or she) attracts dark entities. People who routinely and voluntarily commit evil acts give implicit permission for demonic possession. Hate, rage, despair, misery, feelings of worthlessness, guilt and inebriation with alcohol and drugs also attract demonic entities. People, especially psychically sensitive people with these characteristics are the most susceptible to demonic possession. Remember from our discussion of theodicy in chapter 3 that evil people are “empty” people, and empty people often welcome other spirits into their bodies because they feel that in doing so, they can fill their emptiness. Misery loves company!
It is unfortunately possible for a practitioner of the black arts to saddle an otherwise innocent person with a demonic attack through throwing a curse. This is especially prevalent in Mexico and in cultures in which Voodoo or other primitive religions are practiced. It is also possible to “inherit” a demon at a young age from a mother or father who practices black magic. This involves a “contract” with a demon, and the practitioner him/herself will be bound to that demon for the rest of his or her life and beyond.
Finally, and saddest of all, are the young, naive kids that thoughtlessly decide to become witches thinking that they can gain control over other people using “magick”. Young girls are especially vulnerable when they attempt to control lovers and competitors by casting ritualized curses upon them. A select few, especially if they are unknowing psychics, will find their efforts rewarded with success. Unfortunately, they will also find that their lives will become living nightmares under the control of a demonic entity.
Attack of the innocents
There is, unfortunately one other way that an evil entity can gain entry into the world of an apparently innocent living soul. In chapter 9, I brought up the phenomena of auric permeability. A very few people who are born with especially permeable or damaged auras lack the protection of an intact aura which would otherwise protect them from psychic attack. Some unfortunates are born with defective auras that may even have entire sections missing. This is a birth defect acquired through no fault of the living soul, similar to a physical birth defect like Spina Bifida or cystic fibrosis. Persons born without part of their protective auras offer an “open invitation” to spiritual entities. These people do not have to offer voluntary invitations to demonic entities in in advance of a demonic attack. The outcomes for these people is generally poor because our civilization offers virtually no recognition of this phenomenon, and thus no formal help. These people may be rescued by a well performed exorcism followed up with a lot of psychic defensive behavior on the part of the patient, but without constant vigilance on the part of the patient, reinfection is inevitable.