Phenomena that parapsychologists label “poltergeist phenomena” can occasionally be quite severe. In a number of demonic infestations, they have taken the form of showers of stones or other objects which seem to materialize out of thin air and either fall out of the sky on the roof and property of a home or are projected laterally breaking the windows. Demons are NOT human ghosts. Rather, they are non-human, “primordial entities” associated with the darker planes of the spiritual world. These cases are always heavily investigated by local police with negative results. The police have no choice. These attacks go on for weeks or longer and they never find anyone launching the stones. Cases like this are often reported in subdued tones by the local media.
In some cases these stones can fall slowly, like snowflakes and follow zig-zag and other non-ballistic trajectories. The stones can also materialize near the ceiling inside the home and fall to the floor. Because of their severity, these phenomena are probably associated with demonic infestation rather than human ghosts. Cases like this are not as uncommon as you might think. One that happened in England between 1977 and 1979 was dubbed “The Enfield Poltergeist.” The Birmingham Poltergeist Case happened in 1981 and went on for three years. There have been several well documented cases in India. Another one called the Donovan case happened in the 1970’s in West Hartford, Connecticut and was documented by Ed and Lorraine Warren. I personally remember hearing about that one on the local evening news when I was a young adult.