Our brains come in two halves. The left hemisphere controls the muscles and nervous system on the right side of the body while the right hemisphere controls the left side. More importantly, the left and right hemispheres have vastly different functions.
The left hemisphere is in charge of logic and rational thought. It also contains the language and math centers of the brain. It thinks in words. It perceives details of our environment and knits them into a hard-headed portrait of reality. It is from the left hemisphere that our conscious thoughts originate. The left brain is the side really responsible for keeping track of our immediate environment and triggering an appropriate and speedy response. Facts rule the left brain.
The right hemisphere is responsible for intuition and appears to be the seat of the subconscious mind. It perceives the world through a more holistic lens and senses things as a whole rather than a sum of parts. It thinks in symbols and images rather than words. It does not offer thoughts in words, but rather in feelings and emotions. It also contains the creative, artistic and musical centers of the brain. Fantasy, rather than logic, rules the right brain. The right brain is most dominant at night when we are asleep and dreaming. It is from the right hemisphere that psi facilities (clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and psychokinesis) originate.

Both hemispheres affect each other through the corpus callosum which is a thick bundle of nerve fibers in the center of the brain between the two hemispheres. Even so, the left hemisphere always dominates during the day while we are awake facing our everyday reality. This applies to all normal people, both men and women, but men are especially prone to be strongly left hemisphere dominant. Left brain dominance is necessary for both sexes because the logical brain needs to modify or suppress the impulsive and emotional urges that constantly spring from the right hemisphere. The difference in the degree of left hemisphere dominance between males and females probably accounts for the vast differences in how each sex views the world around them.
There are, however, a minority of people (more women than men) who are born with a more dominant right hemisphere than the general population. The people with slightly more dominant right hemisphere brains are called “right brainers” Even in right brainers, the left side of the brain dominates their everyday perceptions and activities. This is an absolute necessity since it is the left brain that deals with reality. It’s simply a matter of practicality. Rational thought tends to dominate intuition. Not surprisingly, it also suppresses psychic aptitudes. This is as true in right brainers as it is in the vast majority of the general population.
However, in individuals with exaggerated right hemisphere dominance, the right brain is more apt to overcome the natural tendency of the left brain to suppress its subconscious desires, as well as its psychic abilities. This happens mostly during times of quiescence when you are daydreaming, sleeping or drifting off to sleep or when the left brain is not actively dealing with everyday reality. Right brainers are much more likely to have spontaneous psychic insights, especially when they are young children. Thus, people who are born with exaggerated right hemisphere dominance are usually the most psychically gifted and they are likely to discover their psychic abilities early in their lives.
Nonetheless, the vast majority of people with exaggerated right brain dominance suppress their psychic insights as they get older. They find their psychic experiences too scary and just want to banish them. Only a minority of these people want to explore their natural abilities, and with moderate effort, this minority can learn to quiet their left brains. These are the people that are likely to become the psychics that can produce the most consistent and reproducible psychic feats.
It turns out that even people without exaggerated right hemisphere dominance (left brainers) can learn to quiet their left brains, at least for short periods of time allowing the right side more free play. By doing so they allow the right hemisphere to express its natural inclinations. With intense effort, even strongly left hemisphere dominant people can enhance their otherwise minimal psychic abilities. For most of us, this requires hours and hours of intense training involving meditation and other techniques. Nevertheless it can be done! Unfortunately, relatively few people who are intensely left hemisphere dominant can achieve really significant results.