This book was written to help you to see how Spirit is organized and how it affects your daily life. You are part of a universe created by a supreme intelligence. Knowing this has at least two major advantages over the materialist belief in a cold, dead universe spawned by random physical processes.
First, a universe centered by a transcendent intelligence allows us to conclude that our lives have a purpose! If we owe our existence to a preexisting intelligent agent, then it is safe to conclude that we are here to serve that purpose. Each one of us is a spiritual being. Your purpose is to evolve for as long as it takes you to merge with the intelligence that created you. It is for this reason that we can live our daily lives knowing that no one lives forever, but no one ever really dies. Understanding this on a deep level makes for a much more comfortable life. No matter how severe your life may be, you have a much greater destiny!
Second, the belief in God has a deep effect on our society and our daily lives. It binds our civilization to a moral code upon which the secular government bases its laws and enforcement mechanisms. (See chapter 18 on Religion and Government.) This moral code enforces a universal honesty that operates over and above the secular law. Because of it, each of us remains honest, even when no one else is looking. Even atheists abide by religious moral laws. They may not want to admit it, but they, along with other non-criminals, absorb the ambient cultural morality in the course of growing up. This moral code is based on spiritual teachings and persists as long as the foundational religion of the civilization remains intact.
Granted, some parts of the religious code are simply dogmas which have become meaningless over time, but these relate more to the politics of the age in which these dogmas were first created. Old temporal dogmas are naturally discarded over time, but the core spiritual values always endure. The civilizations that form under a strong moral code based on spiritual insights tend to be stable as long as their core moral codes remain intact.
The great historian Arnold J. Toynbee believed that societies always die from suicide or murder rather than from natural causes, and nearly always from suicide. He was talking about the late stage decadence that results from the deterioration of the civilization’s moral codes.
With all of the evidence for survival and even the scientific establishment having to admit (however grudgingly) that it doesn’t actually have all the answers, there’s really no point in arguing with the skeptics. They remain mired in nineteenth century Newtonian physics and ignore the fact that modern physics has undermined their position. It is easier for those who believe in a spiritual world simply to accept that the materialist establishment will never permit their barren philosophy to suffer an indignity as threatening as a psychic foothold for God.
If your belief in the tenets of your native religion has faltered over time because of the relentless assaults on faith constantly showered upon you, you would do well to spend some time exploring the voluminous evidence for survival of the spirit.
Paranormal phenomena lie at the foundation of all great religions, and they remain as much a part of our modern lives as they were for the ancients. It’s normal to have doubts, but if you read the evidence, you’ll feel better. Remember that you are not alone, you have a purpose and the evidence makes it clear that a belief in God and a world of Spirit is NOT irrational. It is the skeptics that are irrational, with their outdated belief in the dogmas of classical physics and their ad hoc belief that paranormal phenomena are simply impossible!