It must be emphasized that suicide is always a negative act from a spiritual point of view. While the act of suicide does NOT condemn a soul to an eternal hell as is suggested by medieval forms of Christianity, the intentional cutting-short of a life is like quitting school before graduation. Almost everyone who commits suicide regrets their act immediately after their death. Most suffer varying degrees of negative spiritual consequences for as many years as they would have lived had they had not killed themselves….But not everyone!
In the vast majority of cases, a suicide’s mental state and spiritual frequency is at a low ebb before, during and after the act. Left alone, the spirit remains in despair about the circumstances surrounding his or her suicide, and this accounts for the poor spiritual outcome. Without the intervention of friends and loved ones who have already passed over and occupy a relatively higher plane in the mainstream spiritual realm, the suicide’s soul may remain on the transitional plane indefinitely, stuck in a time trap reliving the unhappy memories that lead up to the untimely death. Needless to say, this is not a pleasant way to spend what may seem to the spirit like an eternity.
The suicide affects not only those who are left behind and who must deal with the emotional and financial toll of the suicide, but it also affects those friends and relatives who are already in Spirit (those who have already passed on). These are the spirits who might otherwise take the wayward spirit in hand and ease its transition into the mainstream spiritual realm. The nature of the suicide as well as its motives affects the attitudes of those already in spirit in the same way an unexpected criminal act on the part of a family member might affect the attitudes of his or her relatives.
Thus, the immediate after-death fate of a suicide depends largely on variables like the number, and closeness of its spiritual friends and relatives and on the nature and circumstances of the suicide itself. It also may depend on the nature of those spiritual friends and relatives themselves. Criminals whose only spiritual attachments are also criminals are unlikely to get much help. Even good souls who occupy higher spiritual planes might be so offended by the nature of the acts leading up to the suicide, they might not be inclined to help ease the suicide’s post-mortem predicament.
The following three pages gives a fairly comprehensive overview of the spiritual consequences for this grim act. All three pages are linked, one after the other starting with Non Discretionary Suicides: