Swedenborg himself addressed the question of reincarnation in heaven and its Wonders and Hell. He attributed “past life memories” to the memories of earthbound spirits who hover around and infect mortal human beings.
“If a spirit were to speak from his own memory with a man, the man would not know otherwise than that the thoughts then in his mind were his own, although they were the spirit’s thoughts. This would be like the recollection of something which the man had never heard or seen.”
“This is the source of the belief held by some of the ancients that after some thousands of years they were to return into their former life, or had returned. This they concluded because at times there came to them a sort of recollection of things they had never seen or heard. This came from an influx from the memory of spirits into their ideas of thought.
While Swedenborg lived a long time ago, during the eighteenth century, he was the first scientist/engineer/mystic that made a serious effort to actually explore the spiritual world. He was a VERY respected man during his life, and he was also a true genius.