Encroachment-This is when a demon somehow gains access to one or more persons in the household. It always begins by gaining a writ of permission to enter the person’s life, usually by voluntary actions such as playing with the supernatural using Ouija boards, automatic writing, or even Tarot cards. None of these things, by themselves will necessarily bring about demonic entry. It appears to have a lot to do with the mindset of the people in the household. It’s a mystery why some people are affected and some not. In some cases the permission was granted by someone else who occupied the dwelling prior to the family currently under attack, and in rare instances, it may involve a curse placed on the family or the dwelling by a malign Voodoo or Satanic magician.
Infestation–Demons rarely begin by attacking a person directly. As a general rule, they begin by infecting a residence or an object in a residence. This stage is called infestation. It is the attack against physical objects in the home. It usually begins with strange noises like scratching emanating from behind walls or floorboards, intensifying to footsteps and then to loud banging. It then escalates to include noises combined with the psychokinetic destruction of the environment. This activity can become quite severe and may take the form of exploding furniture, movement of heavy objects like washing machines, beds and heavy bureaus, and general mayhem in which everything in the house is strewn about and wrecked. It often involves physical injury (especially especially scratches in the form of claw marks) and even levitation of one or more occupants of the house.
Oppression– (Also called obsession) After the family has been driven crazy by the attacks against the furniture, the demonic force shifts its attention from disrupting the environment to the mental state of the people themselves. It can cause pain, paralysis, mental or physical illness, even blindness. There are frequently sexual attacks against both males and females during this stage.
Possession–This is when the demon actually displaces the soul of the person and takes control of his or her body. This control generally alternates with periods of lucidity in which the person’s own soul regains control of the body for progressively shorter periods, interspersed with control by the demon.
Death–As a rule, death happens in cases where the patient is not institutionalized or being cared for by friends or family. Once possessed by a demon, the patient dies because of horrendously reckless or criminal behavior. He may drink himself to death, overdose on drugs or commit suicide or murders or other atrocities leading to incarceration or death by cop.