Life in a material world gives inexperienced souls the opportunity to exercise their free will to the maximum extent while at the same time allowing them to experience the consequences of their choices.
In the material universe, we live lives of limitation. We are limited by earthly time and the other laws of physics. We are limited by our bodies with their attendant needs and instincts. We are limited by the laws of human nature, and the consequences of our own behavior. We also must deal with the circumstances created by the chaotic nature of billions of other people, all of whom use their own free will to make decisions in interactive ways that might ultimately affect us personally. While all these limitations may not seem, at first glance, to be advantages, in reality they provide us with a necessary container in which we can discover not only how to live together in a physical sense, but how to live together in a spiritual sense.
The lack of a proper container that allows young souls to experience the effects of bad behavior becomes apparent when we consider the public and private lives of some of our young celebrities. Usually, they are quite young when they acquire their wealth and fame. As a result, their understanding of what constitutes good behavior, as well as their sense of how their behavior will affect their futures was not well developed before they acquired their fortunes.
Because they are famous and wealthy, their friends and handlers shield them from the effects of their actions and they fail to learn the hard lessons that the rest of us are subject to. As a result, they are more likely to become addicted to the various vices that some of them are famous for. There is no reason to believe that these souls are born bad. Their poor character traits were acquired because they were spared the consequences of their bad behavior and continued to indulge in them until they became addictions.