Just to reiterate points made in the introduction, it is important to stress that the spiritual structure that I present is based on historical channeled information combined with the best information I could find in modern psychical literature. Along with the huge body of literature pertaining to the benign nature of the world of Spirit, there is another that concerns the spirits from the darker domains of the spiritual world. Unfortunately, books on exorcisms and malignant hauntings seem to bear no relationship to the books published by the popular therapeutic and bereavement mediums. The synthesis I present below is simply my best guess about a structure that follows the evidence, and allows both the good and the evil to operate separately while at the same time remaining as a single coherent spiritual whole.
Many famous modern mediums have written books denying that there really are Hellish levels in the spiritual world. Some even question the existence of any form of “structure” at all within the spiritual realm. These are good psychics and honest people. They place their trust in humanity’s “natural goodness” and a benign universe. They reject all dualities including the duality of good and evil.
“Humanity’s natural goodness” depends upon the social conditioning of the humanity in question. I’m sure the Germans who tortured and slaughtered 6 million Jews and 2 million other undesirables were naturally good people before they became caught up in Nazi ideology. Pol Pot and thousands of Khmer Rouge followers murdered 2 million Cambodians, and Mao Zedong inspired millions of otherwise good Chinese teenagers and young adults to murder as many as 100 million of their fellow citizens. Serial socialist leaders of Russia including Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin along with thousands of their “useful idiots” killed millions more in failed collective farming and industrialization schemes which lead to widespread famine and economic collapse.
I’ll admit, it’s difficult to sell Hell, but even for these souls, Hell is not forever. In the end the hells are of their own making and exist for their own spiritual benefit. There’s no Judgement in heaven. There’s no reward or punishment for a soul’s incarnated behavior. There are only NATURAL laws, as immutable as our laws of physics, which all spirits must obey. That’s why I believe that there IS a structure within the heavenly firmament.
Heaven is a very, very large place. When I speak of heaven, I do not mean only the parts of the spiritual realm where good spirits dwell. I also include the “Hellish” planes in which evil minded, self-centered spirits reside. This may seem counterintuitive. After all, heaven and Hell must be different realms run by different management! Actually….No!
Even though these spiritual planes differ drastically in the type of spirits they contain and the environments that the resident spirits experience, the spiritual laws that apply to both spiritual realms, Heaven and Hell, are identical.
The spirits on both the heavenly and the Hellish planes actually have the same opportunities for advancement. Spirits in both areas can communicate instantly by thought, and travel instantly within their realms by thinking of where they want to go. They all have the same potential to create their spiritual environment through the power of their own imaginations in much the same way that creative living persons first imagine, and then build their own homes.
The difference between the higher and lower planes is produced exclusively by the spiritual qualities and habits possessed by the spirits that reside there. Hell may not seem much like heaven, but it is, in fact, part of the same spiritual city, in the same way that big cities have wealthy business and tourist centers with nice restaurants and theaters, but also harbor impoverished slums with crime, drugs, prostitution and violence!
We do not know just how large the spiritual world is, or how many actual planes it contains. This is partly because many spiritual experiences appear to be ineffable, and partly because communication from spirits claiming to be from the higher realms tends to be quite inconsistent. “Ineffable” means that the environments and other qualities of these planes lie beyond our ability to sense, and are not describable in human language. Imagine trying to describe the difference between the colors red and blue to a person who has been blind all his life.