Mildly psychic people
Everyone has a right brain!
Virtually every professional psychic seems to believe that anyone can become a super psychic by working to develop their skills. Personally, I’m a bit skeptical of the claim. After they assert their belief that anyone can become a psychic, they relate their own personal histories which almost invariably include spontaneous out of body experiences and other remarkable psychic experiences at a very young age, long before they ever tried to develop their own abilities. But to be fair, they are correct in believing that everyone is psychic, even if it is difficult for the average person to access their inner psi.
The degree of spontaneous psychic sensitivity and the way it is manifested varies widely. Most people exhibit only very rare and equivocal flashes of psychic insight unless they work hard to develop their abilities. This is probably a good thing because extreme psychic sensitivity can be quite a burden, and can interfere with living a normal life. It can even lead to mental illness.
Moderately psychic people
For the most part, moderately psychic people are right hemisphere dominant, but they allow their left brains to lead simply as a matter of everyday survival, and most make little attempt to develop their psychic facilities. These are the people who know that aunt Martha is ringing up their landline before answering the phone, even if they haven’t heard from her in ages. They sense when someone they love is sick or dying even though they are far away. Sometimes, they seem to know more about you than you do yourself. Sometimes, these people are called “empaths.” They just seem to “know stuff” for some unknown reason. They may be in a medical profession and gain a sense of what is ailing a patient even before they are properly diagnosed. Some of these people are considered wise by their acquaintances. Others are simply considered “weird.” These may be the very people that could become good psychics with moderate training.
Natural psychics
Natural psychics are strongly right hemisphere dominant, and they often know that they are psychic from a fairly early age. These are the ones that have childhood out of body experiences and other spontaneous psychic experiences such as seeing ghosts. Some remain actively psychic from childhood on, while others try to put their childhood experiences aside, but rediscover their abilities when they are older.r.
Natural psychics may have any single, or a mix of parapsychological abilities. Some are good at “reading people”, sensing their histories or their feelings, pain and immediate circumstances (clairsentience). Others are good at psychometry (the ability to read the history of objects by holding them). Some are good at precognition (the ability to sense future events). Some are healers (empaths), some can psychically “see” at a distance (clairvoyance), some can “read minds”, even over large distances (telepathy). A few can move objects at a distance (psychokinesis, also known as PK). Most psychics can develop more than one of these facilities.
Being a natural psychic does not necessarily mean that this person is more spiritually evolved than other people. Psychics have to learn how to live like anyone else, and their experiences, circumstances and internal mindset may produce a highly evolved person or someone with silly or naïve attitudes or even someone with evil personality traits.
Some natural psychics never realize the extent of their psychic sensitivity. Many try to ignore or suppress their psychic abilities because these experiences frankly scare them. This is perfectly understandable in light of the materialism and skepticism rampant in our society. Some natural psychics who have fragile personality structures may be susceptible to spiritual infections and suffer mental illness related to spiritual obsession or even possession.
It’s not always a rosy road for natural psychics. Extreme psychic sensitivity can be destabilizing. This is especially true in circumstance in which a child’s family doesn’t make an effort to understand how their child perceives the world. Poorly handled, highly psychic children may contract a spiritual infection that can affect them for life, especially if there is child abuse involved. Some psychics, adults and children, have a truly difficult time differentiating between everyday reality and their psychic visions. This can lead to serious mental illness. That’s one of the reasons I wrote this book. This information might help them. I truly hope it does!
Natural Mediums
A medium is a natural psychic who can see, hear and hold conversations with dead people. Most natural mediums start out as psychic kids. Some mediums are trance mediums who communicate with the dead while in an unconscious, hypnotic state. Some receive messages through automatic writing, often not knowing what is being written until later. Like being a psychic, being a medium does not necessarily infer that that person is more spiritually evolved than other people. Being a medium simply means that for whatever reason, that person has the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. All mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. It goes without saying that this is something very special. While skeptics point out that this is simply impossible, the evidence that it happens is overwhelming.
A mystic is a person who practices a mystic tradition and gains a knowledge of higher states of consciousness, or a person born with otherworldly knowledge and wisdom. Technically, none of these people should be susceptible to psychic infection because by definition, they are all advanced souls. They may be advanced spirits even before they become incarnated in a body. Or it is possible that they may acquire their advanced condition during their lifetime. All real mystics are psychics.
A few people undoubtedly are true mystics, but it can be difficult for the rest of us to separate the true mystics from the fakes. David Koresh, formerly of the Branch Davidian religious sect, was a charismatic figure who had a good vocabulary, an intimate knowledge of the bible, gave great sermons and had an insatiable sex drive. Jim Jones was a charismatic figure who persuaded nearly a thousand people to accompany him to a remote jungle location which he named “Jonestown”, robbed them of their worldly possessions and social security checks and then proceeded to persuade almost all of them to commit suicide, killing even their own children in the process. We spoke about these false prophets when discussing spiritual enthrallment and cults in chapter 12.
The founders of the world’s great religions, past and present were charismatic figures, and probably true mystics. Their insights created the foundations for the great civilizations of the world. Moses provided the foundations for Judaism, Islam and Christianity. It was on Jesus’ shoulders that Christian civilization formed. Mohamed created Islam. Krishna created Hinduism. Buddha created Buddhism. Keep in mind, however, that ALL psychic revelations are filtered through the mindset of the psychic, and all psychics are products of their own time in history.
But remember, there are always false prophets out there ready to enslave you. No person should ever sell his soul to anyone who claims to be a mystic in return for a promise of redemption or spiritual evolution. All souls progress by dint of their own understanding and hard work, not by attaching themselves to anyone else through blind faith.