Where do ghosts get their energy?
No spirit can manifest on the plane of matter, or manipulate earthly matter in any way unless it can find a source of earthly energy to do so.
There are two sources of earthly energy from which a spirit can draw in order to manifest. (“To manifest” means to become visible, make noises or to affect the material world in some other way).
The first earthly source of energy does not require a human presence. This mechanism draws heat and electrical energy from the environment. Hot, humid weather, especially during thunderstorms, are conditions particularly conducive to the manifestation of ghosts. The numerous ghost stories that take place during stormy summer nights probably stem from real incidents that are prone to happen during thunderstorms. Ghosts can also steal energy from electrical wiring, which accounts for the many instances of the flickering lights and the strange behavior of electrical appliances during manifestations. It also can account for very large fluctuations in electric bills in haunted houses, with drastic increases around the time of particularly violent paranormal activity. Finally, they can drain the ambient heat energy from the environment which accounts for the sudden drop in temperature in rooms where these entities materialize or otherwise manifest.
The second source of energy for ghostly manifestations is the human aura. Human psychic energy is tailor made for the spiritual body, and there are almost always sources of human psychic energy available to tap. Almost anyone can be a source of this type of energy, however the majority of ordinary people have tightly bound, intact auras and spirits are not generally able to draw energy from them. People whose auric boundaries are less tightly bound, and who tend to shed psychic energy that can be used by dark entities are called living psychic “agents”.
There are several categories of living psychic agents. They are discussed more thoroughly in chapter 16, but for now, here’s an overview of the types of people who are likely to be psychic agents:
- People who commit evil acts or behave in ways that hurt other people for their own benefit. Each evil act releases prodigious flashes of energy into the spiritual environment, and evil spiritual entities always lurk around such people in order to energize themselves.
- People who have guilty consciences and feel vulnerable because they secretly act out behaviors they are ashamed of. Guilt wears away at the human aura and allows constant leakage of spiritual energy. Even if their secret acts are not evil by societal standards, their belief that they are committing evil makes these people vulnerable to psychic attack.
- Psychics, or psychically sensitive people, have brighter auras than persons not similarly endowed. Many of them don’t even know they are psychics and are generally normal in every other sense. Psychics often “leak” psychic energy in the same way a lightbulb gives off excess heat if it is on a powerline with too much voltage, and this leaked energy is a powerful spiritual attractant. There exists an absolutely huge number of people who are psychic and do not know it.
- Injured children and adolescents who have a lot of psycho-sexual energy may become poltergeist agents. By “injured”, I mean those who have suffered psychological or sexual abuse. Also, children who are naturally psychic don’t have to be “injured” to become agents. Both classes of kids just exude psychosexual energy which can be used by spiritual entities to cause poltergeist manifestations.
- The mentally ill are prone to having damaged auras, and are thus also much more prone to spiritual infections than other people.
- Habitual criminals generally have damaged auras due to their narcissism and negativity, and are surrounded by similarly disposed evil spirits who are constantly influencing their hosts’ inclinations and behavior.
- Drug and alcohol addicts are very prone to spiritual infection because they are constantly inebriated, and their souls are unable to protect them from spiritual attack. This is especially dangerous during a drug or alcohol induced blackout because during these times, the addict may come under total spiritual possession. If a malignant spirit now controls the body, it may commit horrendous crimes for which the addict will have to pay.
All of these categories of people either create more psychic energy than other people, or have damaged auric defenses because of their behavior, mental landscape or other circumstances in their lives. Remember that a psychic sensitive is a person who is more psychic than the average. Most of these sensitives don’t even know they are psychic. Even so, they attract more spiritual entities than ordinary folks because they appear brighter to the less evolved spirits on the transitional plane. In addition, if they have negative personality traits, they are more likely to leak some of this energy into the immediate spiritual environment where it acts like bait for lower entities with similar traits. (See Chapter 16 for more on psychic sensitives.)
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